Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Caused injuries, many pedarahan or chronic diseases. Patients are encouraged to eat-foods that contain iron such as tempeh, spinach, tofu, cashew, sweet potato leaves, beef liver, egg yolk etc..


- Orange juice 1 fruit, handful of spinach leaves with thorns, egg yolk, 1 tablespoon pure honey to eat. Way: the egg yolks and honey and stir into one given the lime juice, spinach juice taken crushed spines, all the ingredients and stir into one flat. Then drink each day 5 days next 2 weeks.


Ambien caused stodgy food, eating too much meat, alcohol, much less sitting and moving and working too hard. Axis intestinal pain and always stood out bleeding when defecating.


a. Provide leaf kejibeling 6 grams, Meniran 6 grams, 3 grams of ginger, 1 gram kawak acid. Boiling all the ingredients with water until 1 liter of half-liter, taken 3 times a day. Apply as needed.
b. Papaya leaves are not too old, in the afternoon and then mashed brewed with hot water, squeezed and filtered, the morning was taken up.


Tonsils usually attack children, but adults also did not escape the target of this disease. If not treated immediately will be swollen and the patient hard to breathe or swallow food, the body feels weak and tired, hoarse voice changed, lindah webbed, halitosis, fever and body temperature rises.


a. Take 2 pieces mengkudu then squeezed, filtered and added a little hot water input into the glass and mix with honey, stirring until smooth. Then taken 3 times a day. The way he used to drink used to rinse for several minutes just to swallow.
b. 3 limes squeezed fruit and water taken given a little flat stirring whiting, taken at bedtime for 3 consecutive days