Cymbidium finlaysonianum
Cymbidium finlaysonianum
In West Kalimantan this orchid called sakat cobra tongue or pandan Lau. People know the name sumatera orchid pandanus, because shape glance resemble the pandanus. To distinguish it with the other orchid shape similar pandan as Vanda tricolor, it is given the name "snake tongue orchid."
This plant stay alive in the big trees. Stem very short and closed the meeting by crown leaves. Ribbon-shaped leaves, thick and rigid, the two split ends. Leaf width between 2-3 cm, sometimes in the fertile conditions, leaves can reach one meter in length. Have sticky root and the root of the air. Roots lekatnya berdiameter larger and slightly memipih the meristem network thick double color white. Flowers arranged in a cluster can reach the length of 1 meter more, dangle down like a snake tongue. In one family can show some stem flowers at once. There are 15-30 flowers in each bud stem. Each flower ribbed middle 6 cm. Sepalnya lancet-shaped, formed stars. Reddish yellow tinge. Marun talking with a red stripe of white light.
This orchid found growing wild in places less open, in the teak forests and forest mix. Grow at an altitude of between 5-300 m dpl. In these places is flowering orchids throughout the year. Each flower bud bloom can survive for 12 days. Distribution of this orchid is very knowledgeable, Indonesia, Philippines, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia. Because it is very easy to be so now this type of dibudidayakan many people.

In West Kalimantan this orchid called sakat cobra tongue or pandan Lau. People know the name sumatera orchid pandanus, because shape glance resemble the pandanus. To distinguish it with the other orchid shape similar pandan as Vanda tricolor, it is given the name "snake tongue orchid."
This plant stay alive in the big trees. Stem very short and closed the meeting by crown leaves. Ribbon-shaped leaves, thick and rigid, the two split ends. Leaf width between 2-3 cm, sometimes in the fertile conditions, leaves can reach one meter in length. Have sticky root and the root of the air. Roots lekatnya berdiameter larger and slightly memipih the meristem network thick double color white. Flowers arranged in a cluster can reach the length of 1 meter more, dangle down like a snake tongue. In one family can show some stem flowers at once. There are 15-30 flowers in each bud stem. Each flower ribbed middle 6 cm. Sepalnya lancet-shaped, formed stars. Reddish yellow tinge. Marun talking with a red stripe of white light.
This orchid found growing wild in places less open, in the teak forests and forest mix. Grow at an altitude of between 5-300 m dpl. In these places is flowering orchids throughout the year. Each flower bud bloom can survive for 12 days. Distribution of this orchid is very knowledgeable, Indonesia, Philippines, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia. Because it is very easy to be so now this type of dibudidayakan many people.
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